Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Learn How To AGC

Learn How To AGC-After the AGC Demonstrate Success I learned from her blog and mas jevuska.com member of adsense-id.com member with this then I want to share with the practice of AGC or Auto Generate Content.But before jaih step towards a misguided (hehehe, said the AGC was lost) I want to share first how the AGC.

Search query process Entered Into Search Engines
Displaying search results (you can search the yard, the yard single, at page 404)
Cache Search Page
Page cache Indexed Search Engine
user type the keyword in the search engine google
Google displays results pages our AGC
User Meng Click our web page that is indexed
Go to page User Blogs We AGC
Plugin STT2 Merecord keyword into the table STT2
Insha Allah Traffic will flowPrior to a more distant, too, do the preparation first:Preparation Plugin:

Search Term tagging 2 (original works of Indonesia)
All In One SEO
If there are more good SEO Booster (optional)
Notepad + + for code editor (optional: klo ga pake there could dream weaver, notepad can also be used to but more complicated)
Let ga ama coffee snacks sleepy: DOkay, now began to practice it :)Basic preparation:

Install WordPress as usual
Install Plugin STT2 and just follow the following settings:
Convert links into search terms: (link to search)
The other set please post: D
Install All In One SEO
Permalink to these settings /% directory% /% postname%. Html
Setting Function query.php file in wp-include AGC to obtain the results outcome that seemed natural: as an example inicontoh http://dankerizer.com/article/mencari-uang-itu-gampang.html
without making any changes to the file query.php the query is entered into the
search engine is: find-the-money-gampang.html
and if you make changes to the file query.php the query is entered into
search engine is: looking for easy money
while the second query produces the same url
Way to replace it:
Download the file by ftp manager query.php ato from your cpanel file manger in
Open it with Notepad + + (recomended)
Find the text / / added slashes screw with quote grouping when done early, so done later
Add this code just above the file:

$ Replacement = array ('-', '. Html'); / / characters that would be eliminated
$ Q ['s'] = str_replace ($ replacement, '', $ q ['s']); / / whitespace characters replaced

Edit File rewrite.php in wp-include jugaCara menditnya: Download from wp-include
Find the line to var $ search_base = 'search'; on line 462 and transformed into search_base $ var = 'article';
Query.php file and upload back to the wp-include rewrite.phpContinued ya bro, ane nguantuk really, hopefully tomorrow will be spliced: DPlease Read Kelanjutanya here:AGC Principles of Learning and Direct Practice with BING APIRelated Post:

AGC Principles of Learning and Direct Practice with BING API 2
Modification STT2 For AGC (Auto Generate Content)
How To use?
Sorry, I Put AGC
The Powerful AGC Free Theme For WordPress
ERROR 404 redirect to a page in Wordpress You Want
Autoblog Plugin For Wordpress
15 Beautiful TV Presenter One
About Me
Standard SEO Plugin For WordPress

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

How To Increase Blog Traffic AGC

blog is basically how the AGC (Automatic gain control) is to make the search page terindak by search engines, how search engines so that pages can be indexed?
The first platinum seo pack plugin users, turn off the function no index search result seo in platinum setting, for users all in one seo pack do not need, but I recommend using the platinum-seo wrote because lighter.
install and setting widget stt2 recent / popular / random search term leading to a url search so any visitors are coming from search engines will be recorded in situ, and is likely to be in the index by search engines, the more the index the greater the opportunity to bring more visitors to the your blog.

AGC optimization of your blog as usual as you did with the blog the manual,

simple is not it? well if you want a more extreme use search meter plugin (should be in oprek first) and then injected with as many keywords as much: lol: (risk of swelling hosting space) do not need to write a post that pake this way: lol:

okay here are some plugins which I use on blog AGC

1.platinum seo pack / all in one seo
2.sitemap xml
3.stt2 (seo search term tagging)
4.recent google search widget
5.search meter

it can be installed directly from the dashboard wp, ngirit very yak? although only 5 plugin only 5 do not worry if the AGC can guarantee your success in making the same kick shared hosting.